5 McDonald’s dessert items you’ll find only in Japan

Japan always has something unique to offer at western-owned establishments. Here are 5 McDonald’s desserts that prove this statement true!

No matter where you are in Japan, you’ll find a nearby McDonald’s selling exclusive items that you won’t find in any other country!

In particular, I want to shine some light on Japan’s extensive desserts menu, featuring a range of delicious shakes, ice creams, and pies with unique flavors.

Without further ado, here are 5 delicious desserts you’ll find only at Japanese McDonald’s!

Melon McShake

Japan has always been a country that was fond of the melon, whether it’s their infamous melon soda, melon-flavored milk drinks, or melon ice cream, you’ll find this staple flavor pop up frequently.

McDonald’s Japan features melon as a fourth milkshake flavor in addition to the standard chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla trio.

Inspired by the sweet and refreshing taste of rock melon, the melon shake is a must-try for McDonald’s enthusiasts in Japan!

Personally, I found the melon shake to be the perfect choice for summer, as it offers a cooling effect through the taste of fresh melon that you don’t quite get with the other flavors.

Furthermore, I’d argue that the Melon McShake is the best standalone milkshake at McDonald’s, that is, it works just as well as a treat on its own rather than an after-meal “wash-down” drink.

Lemon Cheese Pie

This is an interesting one, a unique combination of lemon custard and sweet cheesey cream.

The lemon cheese pie is an exclusive Japan-only dessert item that offers an intricate combination of flavors that keeps the tongue engaged til the last bite.

Like the classic McDonald’s apple pie, the lemon cheese pie also comes with the signature crispy pastry that encloses the filling.

However, unlike the apple pie, the lemon cheese pie offers a mix of two flavors inside, delivering more of a punch than its predecessor.

On the downside, there are no real lemon or cheese bits, so that’s where the apple pie wins as it contains actual apple pieces in the filling.

Regardless, McDonald’s Japan’s inclusion of the lemon cheese pie is a fantastic addition to their existing selection of desserts (don’t worry, you can still get your classic apple pie as preferred!).

Oreo Frappe

The oreo frappe is another unique drink flavor offered at Japanese McDonald’s, this time as part of their McCafe beverage menu.

Unlike the classic McDonald’s chocolate frappe, the oreo frappe offers a more intense chocolate taste and, likely for that reason, is only offered in one size.

Like any frappe, you still get a good helping of milk and crushed ice blended together with a topping of whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

However, the oreo frappe really stands out by infusing crushed oreo biscuit bits throughout the drink and as a topping over the whipped cream.

For frappe-lovers, the oreo frappe ticks all the boxes for a brilliant sugar hit, comparable to the standards of Starbucks or Gloria Jeans.

Coffee Sundae

In the same way that Japan is obsessed with melon flavors, you’ll find a similar phenomenon when it comes to coffee.

You’ll often find coffee flavored desserts in the form of coffee jellies, milkshakes, and ice creams in Japan, whether you’re at a cafe, combini, or a local McDonald’s!

This coffee sundae offered at Japan’s McCafe is easily my favorite McDonald’s dessert of all time.

The sundae consists of the classic vanilla soft-serve but topped with bits of crushed coffee beans and chocolate.

Here’s the kicker, an accompanying shot of hot coffee that is made for pouring into the sundae.

The result is a creamy coffee-flavored ice cream that is warm where you want it and cold where you need it.

Matcha Green Tea Frappe

Last but not least is Japan’s McCafe classic, a good old fashioned matcha green tea frappe!

After all, it wouldn’t be a complete list without Japan’s most iconic flavor.

Matcha is a special kind of green tea powder that is best grown using Japan’s unique soil composition.

Offering a bitter taste that is full of anti-oxidants and other health benefits, it is often combined with sweet desserts to give you the best of both worlds!

Japan’s McCafe matcha frappe is a classic example of a successful application of matcha powder in dessert.

Comprising a delicious sweet but slightly bitter taste, this drink has the power to both energize and relax you at the same time.

Using the combination of sweet sugar and whipped cream with shots of matcha green tea and matcha powder sprinkled on top, McDonald’s Japan’s matcha green tea frappe is the perfect choice for destressing and rejuvenating yourself!

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