Autumn in Kyoto 2023 – the best places to see autumn leaves

Arguably Japan’s most scenic prefecture of natural beauty, Kyoto offers some of the best viewing spots for crisp red and gold autumn leaves.

When it comes to natural beauty, Kyoto is truly unbeatable. Stunning mountainous ranges and rich green forests surround crystal-clear flowing rivers that run through cities and under bridges across the entire prefecture.

Autumn in Kyoto is especially beautiful as the rich green forests transition into a spectrum of red and gold leaves that create a colorful landscape and a cozy atmosphere. Here are my 5 favorite spots for viewing autumn leaves in Kyoto!

1. Fushimi Station

My daily commute to work encompasses a 30-minute cycle from Mukaijima to Kyoto station, covering about 10 km of distance.

I have the privilege of witnessing the transition from Kyoto’s countryside to the city, enjoying the many different sceneries along the way.

In autumn, the most striking sights I’ve seen are around Fushimi station, particularly the section between Fushimi and Takeda stations where perfect golden trees stand along the sidewalk.

When the sun is out, these golden leaves of glory shine so bright I almost have to force myself to look away and keep my eyes on the road!

Of course, even when I look at the road all I see are the beautiful fallen autumn leaves coloring the pavement gold, so there’s really no out of it.

2. Kisenyama Dam

A rather unknown area to tourists in Kyoto is Mt. Kisen (or Kisenyama), a beautiful natural paradise that resides in the Uji prefecture.

The Uji River runs through the forests of Mt. Kisen and up to the peak of the mountain where it forms the Kisenyama Dam.

A scenic hike from start to finish, and you will find plenty of colorful autumn leaves along the way.

However, the best and most iconic part of the journey is when you reach the top of Mt. Kisen and observe the enormous body of water that is the Kisenyama Dam.

Here, you get a rather rare species of deep scarlet red autumn leaves that frame the dam alongside Kyoto’s mountainous backdrops, creating an aesthetic portrait that resembles something out of The Lord of the Rings.

3. Kamo River

Another spectacular view I have the privilege of enjoying on my way to work is the majestic reddish-brown autumn trees of the Kamo River.

As one of, if not the most iconic river in Kyoto, the Kamo River stretches across the entire prefecture and offers underrated practicality of use when it comes to navigating your way around Kyoto.

Among all the places I mention on this list, the Kamo River is definitely the most accessible wherever you are in Kyoto, so I’d make it a priority if you’re keen to see autumn leaves!

Specifically, I’d recommend a leisurely stroll or even a bike ride along the river where you can observe the changing colors of the trees as you make your way down.

4. Nanzenji Temple

The Nanzenji Temple is just around the corner from Kiyomizu-dera and in proximity to Heian Shrine.

Given the immense popularity of Kiyomizu-dera, the Nanzenji Temple has the advantage of staying out of the spotlight and conserving itself as a peaceful and calm tourist destination.

As you can see from my photo, I chose to include one without the temple itself as I found the most beautiful autumn leaves were actually situated in other areas of the temple grounds.

You will find all sorts of autumn trees that cover the full spectrum of colors from yellow to red and golden brown (with some leftover rich green trees too!), an absolute joy for the eyes!

You can also access the temple via the Philosopher’s Path route which offers even more natural beauty and scenery along the way.

5. Arashiyama

Known for its iconic bamboo groves, Arashiyama is considered a “Place of Scenic Beauty” in Kyoto, and for good reason!

The area is home to thick green forests, natural ponds, and impressive open lakes that have become popular fishing spots among the local residents.

Naturally, you will find amazing autumn trees here too, particularly during late October and early November as the leaves transition from green to red, gold, and finally a rusty bronze color where they ultimately fall off to the ground.

I would highly recommend visiting the Tenryu-Ji Temple just around the corner from Arashiyama’s bamboo grove where you can sit outside the palace and enjoy the koi fishpond surrounded by colorful autumn trees.

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