The iconic Budokai Tenkaichi series has been revived almost two decades later with the release of the bestseller Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO.
Gaming / Osaka / Theme Park / Travel
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USJ’s Super Nintendo World is a dream come true for Mario fans
Honestly, they may as well rename Super Nintendo World to Super Mario World, because he absolutely steals the show at USJ Osaka!
Anime / Arcades / Gaming / Osaka / Theme Park
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5 reasons to visit Universal Studios Japan even without a ticket
Universal Studios Japan is more than a bunch of rollercoaster rides and popcorn stands. Here are 5 unique reasons you’ll love USJ in Osaka.
Anime / Arcades / Gaming / Vending machine
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5 cool things you’ll find in Japan’s arcades
Japan’s arcades are no different from western arcades for the most part, but they do put a unique spin on things that’ll leave you in awe!