Shintoism is the Indigenous religion of Japan and promotes a spiritual way of life in harmony with nature and all forms of life.
5 reasons you should try living in Japan for a year
Living in Japan has never been easier, whether it’s on a Working Holiday Visa or a more committed Work Visa, this is the year to do it!
Does Japan exploit foreign workers?
In this article, I’ll be discussing my experiences as a foreigner working in various jobs in Japan and whether racial exploitation exists.
5 reasons you should visit Japan during the winter season!
Japan is most notably popular for its spring cherry blossoms and golden autumn leaves, but here’s why you should visit in winter instead!
Remembering Akira Toriyama – the creator of Dragon Ball
An entire generation of people felt they had lost a father figure when Akira Toriyama, the author of the legendary Dragon Ball series, died.
What you’ll love about Japan based on your MBTI personality type
Whether you’re an outgoing thrill-seeker or a reserved peacekeeper, there’s something you’ll love about Japan regardless of your personality!
Conformity in Japan: at what point does it become an issue?
I often say the reason people love Japan is also the reason they would never move here, and one of those is the issue of conformity.
Life in Japan – a glance at the best prefectures to live in
Deciding on where to live as opposed to visiting requires a different approach. Here are the best prefectures to live in Japan.
How living in Japan can broaden your perspective on the world
Japan is a country that is almost radically different from the rest of the world. Here’s how living in Japan has broadened my perspective.
Is Japan an introverted society? The pros and cons of extreme politeness
Japan has always had a reputation for its incredibly polite society and foreigners are always taken aback by this.
Japanese Culture shows Mindfulness is key in a Dense Population
Japanese culture has always placed a strong emphasis on mindfulness. As a close-knit population of high-density, mindfulness works wonders.