For travelers on the go, Narita Tobu Hotel Airport offers guests remarkable services and facilities with an authentic Japanese touch.
Exploring Gotanda – staying at Do-C capsule hotel and sauna
Gotanda is not a name that comes to mind when you think “Japan travel,” but it does put you in an ideal position for exploring Tokyo city!
A review of Little Asia Guesthouse – the best location in Kitakyushu!
Kitakyushu is the land where mountain and sea meet, and Little Asia Guesthouse is the ideal way to experience Kyushu island’s natural beauty!
5 reasons Kitakyushu is the most underrated city in Japan
Without a doubt, Kitakyushu is the most naturally beautiful city I’ve ever seen in Japan, if not the world. Here are 5 reasons why that is.
Trying Tokyo Banana – is it worth the hype?
Tokyo Banana is the official souvenir sweet of Tokyo, with millions of foreigners bringing a pack home each year, but are they actually good?
Top 5 “non-Japanese” restaurants you must try in Japan
Japanese food is among the most delicious cuisines in the world, but Japan is also home to many non-Japanese restaurants you simply must try!
Japan’s most beautiful graveyard? A trip to Adachi Cemetery
I never thought I’d recommend visiting a graveyard, but Adachi Cemetery is one of the most beautiful sites I’ve ever seen.
Japan’s hostels are ideal for solo travelers and freelancers
Hostels are a great way to save money, meet new people, and work on the go! So what makes Japan’s hostels so good for the solo traveler?
5 activities to pass the time on long bullet train rides in Japan
Riding the bullet train can be a fun and exciting experience, but maybe not so much when your trip is several hours long. I’m here to help!
5 McDonald’s dessert items you’ll find only in Japan
Japan always has something unique to offer at western-owned establishments. Here are 5 McDonald’s desserts that prove this statement true!
Cafe hopping in Japan – a day at Tennoji MIO
Cafe hopping is one of the most important skills as a freelancer working on the move. Last week, I spent a day exploring cafes in Osaka!
How much cash should you bring for a trip to Japan?
In a world that’s going cashless, Japan continues to be a cash-based society. With that in mind, just how much cash should you bring to Japan?