5 exclusive snacks you’ll find only in Hokkaido!

There are some things you can only find in Japan, and then there are some things you can only find in Hokkaido, like these 5 tasty snacks!

5. Rich Cheese Rings

Secoma is the exclusive brand of Seicomart, Hokkaido’s very own brand of convenience stores. Abundant in dairy products, ready-to-eat meals, and tasty snacks, Secoma offers these “Rich Cheese Rings” which have a rather potent flavor. If you are familiar with the popular Malaysian brand “Super Rings,” I’d say this Hokkaido equivalent is a “classier” and less messy alternative.

4. BBQ Crisps

BBQ Crisps are another exclusive Seicomart snack that you won’t find in typical Japanese convenience stores. Presumably inspired by Hokkaido’s beloved Jingisukan cuisine, these crisps are very flavorful with a smoky and meaty taste. They are fairly light so you can eat a lot of them without feeling bloated, and the taste will have you reminiscing your last barbecue event.

3. Torokette Uno

Perhaps the most interesting beverage I discovered at a particular Seicomart in Sapporo was this “Torokette Uno” drink. What looked like a plain serving of Japanese milk turned out to be a super thick texture of sweet, creamy goodness that was reminiscent of a rich gourmet pudding. I understood from the first sip why this small serving of milk was priced at 380 yen, it was an absolute luxury!

2. Chocolat Cheese Terrine

This one is for the chocolate lovers out there. For roughly the same price as the previous item, you can indulge in Chocolat Cheese Terrine, another legendary delicacy from Hokkaido’s exclusive convenience stores. What I can only describe as a thick, dense block of rich chocolate cake, it’s something you’d expect to find in a gourmet restaurant’s dessert menu. (The colorful packaging is really cool too!).

1. Cream in a Can!

I actually wrote an entire article about this Hokkaido canned cream, and deservedly so! These cute little cream in a can goodies can be bought at a vending machine at the base of Sapporo TV Tower. They’re a little pricey ranging from 880 to 980 yen a piece, but they can be quite filling in their own right. A layered, parfait-like dessert, it is packed with rich Hokkaido cream, pieces of sponge cake, sweet pudding, and (depending what you choose), bits of crushed oreo at the bottom.

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