The perfect Fullmetal Alchemist photo? A visit to teamLab Planets

Without paying a cent, Tokyo’s teamLab Planets gives fans of Fullmetal Alchemist the perfect photo opportunity to capture an iconic moment!

No, this is not a cover of the next Fullmetal Alchemist live-action release, but simply a photo of my brother and I taken at teamLab Planets in Tokyo!

What Is teamLab Planets?

The best way to describe teamLab Planets is as a digital art experience that uses technology to create an immersive environment of visual beauty.

People often describe the experience as “other-worldly” or “5th dimensional,” with visitors coming in from all over the world and leaving with unforgettable memories.

A Glimpse Of The teamLab Experience

At the time of publishing this article, it costs 3,800 JPY (26 USD) for an adult ticket to teamLab Planets in Tokyo.

Admittedly, I didn’t go in myself, but my mum took some great photos from inside for me to enjoy!

Some of the artworks were simply magnificent, with somewhat of a planetary theme associated with the visuals and colors.

As you walk through this museum of fascinating moving shapes, you are sure to feel an out-of-body experience at some point as you forget you’re still on Earth.

Naturally, I can’t comment too much about the experience given I never actually went inside, but I can tell you everyone who has is saying the same thing!

The point that I want to make is that you can still enjoy a piece of teamLab Planets’ stunning visuals without even setting foot inside the building.

The Big Red Pillar

My brother and I had come down to teamLab Planets simply to meet up with my mother and aunt for dinner, both of whom were inside enjoying the surreal experience.

Without any expectations of seeing anything without a ticket, we were pleasantly surprised at the big red pillar with moving visual patterns that lay before us outside the entrance.

Reminiscent of flames or lava moving in an upward direction, kind of like a huge bonfire, something immediately came to mind.

Indeed, the spectacle had an uncanny resemblance to an iconic scene in the famous manga and anime series Fullmetal Alchemist.

A Fullmetal Alchemist Reference?

Fullmetal Alchemist is a Japanese manga series written by Hiromu Arakawa in 2001. The story follows the Elric brothers Edward and Alphonse who set out on a journey to get their lost bodies back after losing them in a taboo transmutation attempt to revive their dead mother.

The image you see above is part of the opening sequence of the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood series, highlighting a key plot point and the beginning of the Elric brothers’ journey.

In a nutshell, the two brothers decided to burn down their own house to demonstrate their resolve of “never turning back” and to “keep moving forward” as they set out to find the philosopher’s stone to get their bodies back.

For fans of Fullmetal Alchemist, the shot of Edward and Alphonse watching their house being engulfed in flames is a memorable moment of the story and one that brings a sense of inspiration and relentless motivation toward one’s goals, despite the extremity of such an action.

Creating That Perfect Shot!

Funnily enough, teamLab Planets had no intention of resembling the iconic scene from Fullmetal Alchemist when they put together this amazing pillar of art.

However, if you’re a fan of the series, there’s a good chance that scene would cross your mind when you visit the center at night.

In my case, it was super-fitting that both my brother and I were fans of Fullmetal Alchemist and happened to be at the right place at the right time.

The funny part was explaining all this to our mother, who had no idea why she was taking a photo of her sons face up against the bright flaming pillar.

Take Home A Piece Of FMA Memorabilia

For the perfect shot, make sure to be as close to the pillar as possible, even making contact with your nose if you must!

Ensure you’re at a reasonable distance from your photo partner, and try to stand upright with your arms by your side and fists clenched.

Once you got the photo you like, crop the image so that the entire photo is covered in red flames and none of the pillar’s corners are sticking out.

Finally, you can slap on the Fullmetal Alchemist logo using basic editing software, and voilà!

You now have a piece of free memorabilia from your trip to Japan, highlighting an iconic scene from the timeless Fullmetal Alchemist series!

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