Fushimi Port Park is a haven for outdoor activities and scenic strolls

A short walk from Chushojima station, Fushimi Port Park is a scenic place in Kyoto where families and friends gather for outdoor fun!

Offering a large tennis complex, scenic walking trails, and plenty of wide open grass spaces, Fushimi Port Park is a popular location for Kyoto residents to enjoy some outdoor physical activity.

Scenic Walking Routes

During the spring, Fushimi Port Park is abundant in cherry blossom beauty, featuring pretty pink sakura trees on either side of the main walkway to create a lovely scenic walking path.

On a slightly windy day, these cherry blossom petals blow into the air to create an even more magical effect, giving you a real Last Samurai vibe.

Rivers & Bridges

Fushimi Port Park is situated right next to the Go River, a gorgeous waterway known for its iconic bridges such as the Benten Bridge and the Kyobashi Bridge.

It also connects to the Fushimi Canal where popular cherry blossom boat tours operate. You will frequently see these traditional Japanese boats full of excited passengers passing through the river and under the bridge.

Quality Tennis Courts

Last but certainly not least is my favorite aspect of Fushimi Port Park, the tennis courts! Surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms during spring, these courts instantly reminded me of Prince of Tennis, my favorite tennis anime series.

While I didn’t get a chance to play tennis under the sakura trees, it certainly remains on my bucket list! Regardless, walking around these quality concrete tennis courts was enough to reignite my passion for the game.

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