How to make a delicious iced coffee frappé at FamilyMart

As a foreigner in Japan, making a sophisticated beverage like a frappé at a convenience store may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be!

I used to be intimidated by the coffee machines at Japanese convenience stores, especially when there is large Japanese text on the buttons overshadowing the tiny little English translations.

In truth, making a convenience store coffee in Japan is super easy and, well, convenient! Offering a range of café beverages from hot lattes to iced coffees and more, there is something for everyone!

In this guide, I’ll show you how easy it is to make the most sophisticated drink at FamilyMart – an iced coffee frappé!

Step 1 – Preparing The Cup

The first thing you need to do is head to the freezer section of FamilyMart. There, you will find a plethora of ice cups that serve different purposes such as iced coffees, smoothies, milk teas, soda, and of course, frappés!

There are typically a few different frappé flavors to choose from. My personal favorite is the “Café Frappe” (iced coffee frappé), but they also have strawberry frappés and chocolate frappés (among others depending on the season).

All you have to do is take the cup to the counter and purchase it on the spot. From there on, you’re on your own to make the frappe happen!

Tear off the seal and toss it in the bins provided. Then open up the hatch (the little transparent door) of the coffee machine and place your frozen cup of coffee frappé inside.

Step 2 – Making The Selection

You can then proceed to make your selection. Regardless of the type of frappe you go for, all you need to do is press the “push” button beside the label that looks like this –> フラッペ [FRAPPE].

Then you watch the magic happen!

The machine will make noises, flash lights, and start dispensing milk in the gaping hole of the Café Frappé cup. After about 30 seconds or so, the dispenser will stop, and the lights will settle as a beep sound is made to indicate the completion of your frappé.

Step 3 – Enjoy!

Easy Peasy Japanesey!

At this point, you can either seal your drink with a plastic lid or enjoy it lidless! Keep in mind that you will need to wait a few minutes for the hardened frozen coffee slush to melt against the warm milk, and be sure to stir it up well when able!

The first sip will have you bewildered at the quality of this convenience store delight. A smooth taste, potent coffee flavor, and creamy texture make it too good to be worth only 275 yen (1.80 USD)!

Double up your drink with a delicious FamilyMart snack like an onigiri rice ball, egg sandwich, or chicken wrap for a truly pleasurable experience!

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