Japan’s FamilyMart showcases an obsession with anime cards!

I’ve said before that Japan is an anime society and I stand by my claim. FamilyMart’s stacks of collectible anime cards are living proof!

Convenience stores in Japan are known for being, well, convenient, and I mean that in every sense of the word. From printing and scanning to ATMs and even postal delivery services, they offer so much more than food and drinks.

Well, it’s not all practical stuff, after all, you can get your hands on some awesome anime cards here too! Just pop into your nearest FamilyMart, 7-Eleven, or Lawson and find cool collectibles of your favorite characters from your favorite shows!

Anime, VTube, and more!

Whether you’re into anime, VTube, or some other form of Japanese pop culture entertainment, chances are you’ll find related merchandise at your local combini.

Even if you have no intention of buying, the amazing artwork on these wrappers is enough to entice you into an extended browsing session.

Shelves upon shelves showcasing all the latest anime, VTube, and gaming trends in Japan are lined up in the form of trading cards, collectible accessories, and even anime figures!

Dragon Ball Galore!

As a Dragon Ball fan, my heart absolutely melted at the sight of these awesome collectible cards that honored the franchise I grew up with.

Not only do these anime cards pay homage to the original Dragon Ball series that aired in the 90s, but also showcase characters from the latest Dragon Ball Super series which is still ongoing today!

While I’m not typically the type that purchases collectible cards, I couldn’t resist grabbing one for the mere price of 120 yen (0.75 USD)!

Glossy Wrapping!

Naturally, I picked up the shiniest, most badass pack I could find featuring Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo from the latest Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie.

The wrapping was glossy and the surface felt smooth, giving me a nostalgic childhood feeling of opening up a birthday present.

Despite the awesome artwork on the wrapper, the reality is the card inside features a random character from the series, so fingers crossed we get something good!

Cards n’ Crackers!

Before I reveal the card I got (talk about suspense, right?), I was pleasantly surprised to see that these Dragon Ball cards come with a savory snack!

A giant-sized rice cracker lay before me on a plastic tray, big enough to satisfy my stomach until my next meal.

In all honesty, this rice cracker had no right being so tasty for something that came out of an anime card packet.

The seasoning was potent and generously sprinkled all over while the texture was crunchy and “mouth-melting” if that’s a real expression.

Prince Vegeta!

Yes, the grand reveal is here, I had obtained none other than the Prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta, in his glorious Saiyan armor from the first saga of Dragon Ball Z.

While it wasn’t the card I was hoping for (really wanted Beast Gohan!) it certainly caught me by surprise at just how aesthetic the artwork of this card was.

Shiny, well-drawn, and dynamic in coloring and shading, it’s hard to believe a quality card like this and a delicious giant rice cracker could be purchased for a total of 150 yen. Talk about a bargain!

Iconic Character Quotes & Info

But that’s not all! Turn the card around and you get a whole other side featuring a character description and an iconic shot of Vegeta from the anime series.

It also comes with a quote from the series and some information about the character during that specific time in the series in which the shot was taken.

Yes, it’s all written in Japanese, so be sure to have Google Lens or some other translator app at the ready (or, you know, just get good at Japanese).

This post was definitely more geeky than what I usually publish, but I simply had to share this fun experience nerding out at Japan’s FamilyMart!

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