Kyoto Botanical Gardens lets you appreciate nature’s beauty

Offering beautiful floral exhibits, natural scenery, and a tranquil atmosphere, Kyoto Botanical Gardens is the perfect place to de-stress.

Along the Kamo River and a short walk from Kitayama station, the Kyoto Botanical Gardens showcase some of the prefecture’s prettiest floral exhibitions and snippets of Mother Nature.

Beautiful Area

Parallel to the gorgeous Kamo River, the Kyoto Botanical Gardens is not hard to find. Needless to say, the vicinity is absolutely scenic with flowing water, lush green trees, and picturesque mountains all around.

Full Access for ¥200!

For the measly price of 200 yen (1.40 USD), you gain full access to the garden’s grounds. This includes exhibitions of bonsai trees, maple leaves, cherry blossoms, and bamboo gardens.

There are also several facilities such as the Conservatory, Miraikun Playground, and Kinoko Library. You can also access exclusive cafés and restrooms as needed.

Nice Flower Exhibits

The flower beds at Kyoto Botanical Gardens come in all shapes and sizes. You can see many different species of flowers and all the brilliant colors and shades they come in.

Using the pamphlet guides you are given at the entrance, you can read up about each individual variety of flower and plant to create a learning experience out of your visit too.

Peace & Tranquility

While the flower bed exhibitions may be the highlight for some, for me, it’s all about the serine lily ponds at Kyoto Botanical Gardens.

A truly tranquil walking path circles a crystal clear pond where the surrounding green trees are brilliantly reflected on the water.

There are nice benches and shelters to sit, relax, and maybe enjoy a packed lunch!

“In The Green” Café

Speaking of relaxation, it truly doesn’t get more zen than this café submerged in a little forest of green trees. Rightfully called the “In The Green” café, it offers a beautiful outdoor seating arrangement with comfortable lounge chairs, pillows, and breathtaking views of the forest outside.

Matcha Latte & Almond Cake!

The menu is just as good as the view, offering high-quality dishes such as this carefully crafted almond chocolate cake with a stunning presentation! Coupled with a soothing cup of matcha latte, it was the perfect way to cap off a relaxing afternoon at Kyoto Botanical Gardens!

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