Living in Japan has never been easier, whether it’s on a Working Holiday Visa or a more committed Work Visa, this is the year to do it!
1. Broaden Your Perspective

There’s no doubt that living in Japan will broaden your perspective on life. Seeing first-hand how differently people live compared to your home country is a real eye-opener. Cultural norms, societal customs, and traditional practices all come into play as you try to make your way in the land of the rising sun. It’s definitely not easy, but learning to live in Japan where everything is so different from the people’s mannerisms to the architectural layout and even the food will undoubtedly give you a “zoomed out” view of how things are run back home, putting it all into question!
2. See Yourself In A New Light

In the West, my quiet and reserved nature was often looked down upon and seen as a weakness. However, the Japanese greatly value this calmer demeanor, particularly as mindfulness and social harmony are prioritized. Instead of beating myself up for not being able to keep up with the loudest people in the room, I’ve learned that being a listener can be a huge asset to a company and promote greater team cohesion and understanding. Furthermore, you will be able to see all that you are and the culture, values, and ideals that you represent from the perspective of the Japanese, ultimately giving you a deeper understanding of yourself.
3. Take On New Mindsets

You’ve probably heard time and time again people saying things like “we can learn from the Japanese” whether it was the way Japanese fans cleaned up the stadiums in Qatar during the 2024 World Cup or the discipline instilled in kids by making them do cafeteria duty in school. Japan is by no means a perfect country and has its own unique problems, but many of its practices and ways of life are indisputably and objectively good for humanity and for yourself. I believe there are plenty of positive mindsets you can pick up from the Japanese, and the lessons will hit a lot harder when you actually live in Japan instead of simply watching videos (or, dare I say, reading blog posts).
4. Share Your World

As a foreigner, you’re always going to feel, at least to a degree, that you are representing your home country and/or ethnicity everywhere you go in Japan. The mono ethnicity of the Japanese means you will stick out like a sore thumb, but there’s plenty of opportunity in that. To the Japanese, you represent a window into a world unknown to them, and while you have plenty to learn from the Japanese, you also have plenty to teach the Japanese about the outside world! It’s important to remember this as relationships are a give and take, so while you’re taking in as much knowledge as you can from your Japanese acquaintances, be sure to share some of your world with them too, and be the best ambassador you can!
5. Have A Story To Tell For Life

Yup, of one thing you can be sure of, living in Japan will give you a story to tell for life! No matter how good or bad your experience is, chances are your life will be better than it was before when that one year of living abroad is up. You’ll either return home with an all-new appreciation for your previous life or you’ll feel inspired to start living a little differently, be it in or out of your hometown. Either way, you’re coming home with a story to tell for life! So, why not make 2025 the year you shake things up and add a new element of adventure to your life? You got this!
Of course, if you are planning to visit Japan, you’ll need a way to get around the country as efficiently and affordably as possible. Japan Rail provides an abundance of travel passes to suit your travel needs. So whether you are traveling individually or as a group, the JR Pass is every traveler’s go-to for getting around and making the most of your time in Japan!