Another unorthodox flavor for the McDonald’s Japan record books, this time featuring a unique “seaweed plum” flavor of Shaka Shaka fries.

McDonald’s Japan has delivered the goods once again, this time with a flavor of Shaka Shaka fries in the form of a local Japanese favorite!
Two New Flavors!

Shaka Shaka fries have been a long-time menu item at McDonald’s, though it often comes and goes with the seasons.
Over the years, we’ve seen all sorts of flavor sachets from paprika to cheese and even barbecue!
Well this time around, McDonald’s Japan has released two unique flavors: Garlic Pepper Mayo and Ume-Nori.
Garlic Pepper Mayo
I’ll start off by describing the more “tame” flavor, but don’t get me wrong, Garlic Pepper Mayo is a brilliant flavor that definitely makes the plain fries more exciting!
The garlic taste is quite strong with this one while the pepper is light enough so you don’t end up sneezing, but potent enough to give it that nice roasty aftertaste.
Yes, there is even a hint of a mayonnaise flavor in there, but keep in mind it’s not your average mayo, but rather the more creamy and “eggy” Japanese Kewpie mayo flavor.

Ume-Nori (Seaweed Plum)

That’s all fine and dandy, but if you really want to see what you’re made of, you need to go for the Ume-Nori flavor.
This flavor is based on a Japanese delicacy that consists of a combination of savory seaweed (like the ones you find on sushi and onigiri) and sour plum.
The result is a truly unique flavor that I’d associate more with an authentic Japanese restaurant rather than a McDonald’s chain, combining a slightly savory, fishy, fruity, and sour flavor dynamic.
Though it may sound off-putting and my first bite definitely took me aback, but I quickly adapted to the flavor and even ended up preferring the strong (and slightly sour) kick of Ume-Nori over its Garlic Pepper Mayo counterpart.
Chocolate Cream Churros!
Perhaps just a coincidence, but along with this menu comes a special new McDonald’s dessert item called “Chocolate Cream Churros.”
This Spanish-born dessert is quite popular in Australia where I’m from, though they’re typically found at all-chocolate cafés and dessert bars (most definitely not at a McDonald’s!).
In any case, these Chocolate Cream Churros weren’t too bad, though I have to say it was the warm gooey filling that sold it for me as the churro dough didn’t have much of a crunch to it and tasted more like bread or cake.

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