Exploring the modern-traditional wonders of Kyoto City

Only in Kyoto City will you find such a harmonious intertwining of traditional and modern Japanese culture. Let’s explore!

Most people associate Kyoto City with the cultural city of Gion, commonly known as the “geisha district” of Japan. However, Kyoto City is so much more than this small town street, encompassing a large metropolitan area that seamlessly combines the beauty of Japan’s traditional architecture with the convenience and practicality of modern building blocks.

Where Man & Nature Co-Exist

Thick forests and mountain ranges are in close proximity everywhere you go in Kyoto prefecture, and the main city center is no exception.

Even around Kyoto station where the population is most concentrated, we can observe breathtaking mountains and crisp fresh air from the surrounding natural environment.

Indeed, it can be quite a charming experience to walk around Kyoto City as some of the country’s most scenic landmarks are easily accessible from the main CBD.

Temples Woven Seamlessly

One moment you feel you’re in the present timeline, and the next you’ve been transported back to feudal Japan’s Edo Period.

That’s the kind of effect these traditional Japanese kirizuma rooftops have, particularly when back dropped with misty mountain ranges.

Oftentimes, it’s not even a temple that’s being roofed by kirizuma, but simply an apartment block or shopping center, creating a hybrid architectural style of a traditional rooftop with a modern building block.

Nature Is Around The Corner!

The beauty of Kyoto truly lies in its natural scenery, particularly its vast rivers and mountains that cover every corner of the prefecture.

Kyoto City is home to Kyoto station where you can take endless trains and buses to all of the prefecture’s most scenic landmarks.

The photo on the left is taken at the Uji River which is a mere 15-minute train ride from Kyoto station. This is just one of many examples of how easily accessible these little snippets of paradise really are!

Of course, if you are planning to visit Japan, you’ll need a way to get around the country as efficiently and affordably as possible. Japan Rail provides an abundance of travel passes to suit your travel needs. So whether you are traveling individually or as a group, the JR Pass is every traveler’s go-to for getting around and making the most of your time in Japan!

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