MOS Burger is more than a fast-food store, it’s a work-friendly café!

Easily Japan’s most iconic fast-food chain, MOS Burger actually has the makings of a full-fledged café and is an amazing place to work!

As a freelance writer, I’m always on the lookout for a nice café that I could get some work done while changing up the scenery. One Sunday afternoon in Kyoto, I went searching for a café in the area to do my writing work.

It turns out cafés in Japan get extremely packed out on weekends. Mister Donut, Doutor, and Hoshino Coffee were all packed to the brim, and I was very much considering turning tail and going home.

That was until I saw a relatively empty MOS Burger joint with plenty of spacious tables that would be ideal for my (rather big) laptop. I also saw that they sold coffee on their menu and that was enough for me to give it a shot!

Free Wi-Fi & Charging Ports

I walked into this MOS Burger expecting to use my mobile hotspot for the Internet and the entire lifespan of my laptop battery.

My first shock was that there were charging ports all along the walls beside the tables and chairs, a phenomenon that is quite rare at fast-food restaurants.

The next pleasant surprise was that there was free Wi-Fi available, all I had to do was register my e-mail address for unlimited access!

Cheap Quality Coffee

The pleasant surprises didn’t stop there, because the blended coffee that I ordered not only tasted amazing and rich but was also super affordable for just 280 yen (1.85 USD).

As someone who gets dehydrated quickly from drinking coffee, the added touch of free iced water was yet another lovely surprise that I wish more cafés did (though MOS Burger isn’t a “café” per se).

I didn’t realize it at the time (it would’ve been too many pleasant surprises for one day) but there was also a “free coffee refill for 100 yen” offer in place, though one cup was more than enough for me.

An Abundant Café Menu

If you’re not much of a coffee person, there is a huge menu of cafe beverages and soups to choose from at MOS Burger.

From premium Uji matcha shakes to delicious melon sodas and tasty savory corn soups, the menu is abundant enough to make you forget this is a fast-food restaurant.

So, the next time you’re out of options due to packed-out cafés in Japan, then try MOS Burger as your next destination for getting your work done!

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