Riverwalk Kitakyushu offers a scenic shopping complex and walk

Despite its name, Riverwalk Kitakyushu is the name of the shopping complex along Murasaki River, but it’s definitely a nice “river walk” too.

If you’re staying anywhere in Kitakyushu, chances are you would’ve come across the endless Murasaki River cutting across the entire prefecture.

Along with the big shopping complex surrounding Kokura Castle, the vicinity has come to be known as Riverwalk Kitakyushu.

Find All Your Retail Needs

At Riverwalk Kitakyushu, you can find all your shopping needs from mobile phone stores to clothing, accessories, and food.

As a foreigner, it’s a great place to purchase a mobile sim card from SoftBank or Y!mobile.

There are also plenty of restaurants and cafes in the area to sit and relax with beautiful river views just outside the window.

Of course, it’s not called Riverwalk Kitakyushu for nothing, because there are scenic walks you can take around the shopping complex along the Murasaki River.

Pass By The Magnificent Kokura Castle

As you walk around the complex, you’ll find Kokura Castle casually resting in all its architectural glory.

Surrounded by a crystal clear moat, it stands as one of the most underrated castles in Japan, attracting just a handful of visitors every day.

Thus, it’s an awesome place to take photos and to simply soak in its visual beauty without interruption from crowds.

There are also colorful koi fish to admire in the surrounding castle waters.

Unwind At A Riverside Cafe

The best way to admire Riverwalk Kitakyushu is to kick back at a cafe and enjoy the atmosphere.

Watch as tourists and locals alike soak in the “Edo-esque” vibe of Kokura Castle, getting a feel of ancient Japan through the architecture and natural beauty of the area.

I’d recommend hitting up Kokura Castle’s Freshness Burger or Starbucks cafe if you’re a remote worker.

With free Wi-Fi, power sockets, and delicious coffee at your disposal, it’s easy to spend the entire day at Riverside Kitakyushu for some serious productivity or leisure!

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