In the heart of Odaiba’s iconic shopping complex Diver City, Shinshu Sojibo offers halal-certified tasty soba noodles and katsudon!
Food / Halal / Odaiba / Restaurants / Tokyo
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Adventures of Yaseen Hijazi
In the heart of Odaiba’s iconic shopping complex Diver City, Shinshu Sojibo offers halal-certified tasty soba noodles and katsudon!
Offering halal Arabian grilled meat, tasty Pakistani curry, and even a funky bathroom, Ali’s Kitchen is every Muslim in Japan’s best friend.
Located in the heart of Kyoto in the Fushimi ward is Gyomu Supermarket. Here, you can find local and international goods including halal.
If you’re a meat-loving Muslim visiting Osaka, you’ll want to check out these 5 halal restaurants so you don’t have to become a pescatarian!
Serving up delicious ramen, succulent wagyu beef, and crispy fried entrées, Halal Ramen Naniwaya is a God-send for Muslims in Osaka!