Kyoto is a great place to explore interesting and authentic cafes, whether you’re looking for a good coffee, some breakfast, or a work desk.
5 reasons you should try living in Japan for a year
Living in Japan has never been easier, whether it’s on a Working Holiday Visa or a more committed Work Visa, this is the year to do it!
Does Japan exploit foreign workers?
In this article, I’ll be discussing my experiences as a foreigner working in various jobs in Japan and whether racial exploitation exists.
How easy is it to find a job in Japan?
Finding a job just about anywhere in the world is often a daunting task, but as a foreigner in Japan, what is the job hunting process like?
Spring in Japan – 5 ways to make the most of Japan’s best season!
Spring in Japan is a time for new beginnings. As the freezing winter days draw to a close, the warmth of spring beckons us to the outdoors!
MOS Burger is more than a fast-food store, it’s a work-friendly café!
Easily Japan’s most iconic fast-food chain, MOS Burger actually has the makings of a full-fledged café and is an amazing place to work!
Working in Japan – a day as a part-time hotel cleaner in Kyoto
Working in Japan at Kyoto’s HOTEL LiVEMAX has its ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure, it’s a great way to earn a little extra yen!
Top 3 Types of Work for Foreigners in Japan
Japan is a dream holiday destination for travellers around the world, but what are the best job opportunities for foreigners of the land?