3 awesome things to do in Yokohama

Yokohama was the first foreign trading port that connected Japan to the world. Now, it’s a stunning seaside city and major tourist attraction!

1. Yokohama Ferris Wheel

Perhaps the most iconic and defining structure of Yokohama city is the Cosmo Clock 21. More commonly known as the Yokohama Ferris wheel, this ride is a part of the Cosmo World theme park.

At the time of its opening in 1989, the Cosmo Clock 21 was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world at 112.5 meters tall. For just 700 JPY (roughly 5 USD), you can go on a 15-minute ride which includes a full rotation and 360-degree view of the city’s skyline.

If you are afraid of heights like I am, you can simply appreciate the Ferris wheel from a distance. Take photos, wave at your friends in there, or just soak up the vibe of the Cosmo World amusement park!

2. Cup Noodles Museum

The most unique museum I’ve ever been to is Yokohama’s Cup Noodles Museum. Popular among kids, there’s no reason you can’t have a great time here as an adult too!

There are plenty of exhibitions and infographics at the museum that educates us on the history of cup noodles. Some of these displays are informative while others are interactive!

Make your own cup noodles!

What I enjoyed most about the cup noodles museum was making my very own cup noodles. You will be given an empty cup with a blank canvas and some permanent markers to make your own design.

Next, you take your cup with you to the machine workers and hand it over. They will prompt you to choose your base and ingredients as you customize your unique cup noodle flavor!

Once ready, they will enclose your cup noodles with an airtight seal and plastic bag to take home as an edible souvenir. Speaking of which, you can purchase cup noodle merchandise at the gift shop on your way (I bought some funky cup noodle fridge magnets!).

3. “Do it yourself” Okonomiyaki

Yokohama okonomiyaki restaurant

After a day of cup noodle appreciation, I had some delicious okonomiyaki at a restaurant called Yokohama Kotegaeshi. Unlike other okonomiyaki establishments, this one was a “do it yourself” restaurant.

Simply make an order of okonomiyaki ingredients from the menu and follow the step-by-step guide. I like this style of okonomiyaki as it allows me to adjust the size, temperature, and sauce toppings to my liking.

Come on down!

There you have it! My top 3 favorite things to do in Yokohama. As an honorable mention, I will also urge you to check out Yokohama’s Chinatown for its spectacular temples and delicious food. So if you plan on visiting Japan, be sure to check out the port city of Yokohama for a unique experience that’ll serve up some great memories!

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