Top 5 cheapest feeds in Japan

Japan is all about convenience so it’s no surprise they cater extremely well to those on a budget. Here are my top 5 cheapest feeds in Japan!

Tempura Udon

Tempura udon at a 500 yen store in Akihabara.

Tempura Udon (天ぷらうどん) is one of my favorite Japanese dishes. It comprises thick noodles bathed in light-flavored soup and topped with battered fried shrimp and seaweed.

Tempura Udon can be found in high-end restaurants at ridiculous prices. However, they can also be found in cheap 500 yen stores in major cities such as Akihabara and Shinjuku.


Yes, you read that correctly, it was not a typo! Sushiro (スシロー) is a common sushi train franchise that can be found all over Japan (especially in Tokyo).

They are known for their wildly affordable sushi assortments with dishes priced as low as 100 yen each. For a feed that is fast, mouth-watering, and easy on the wallet, Sushiro is an absolute winner!

Street Food (Takoyaki, Tamago, Wagyu Skewers)

Not all feeds happen indoors, and that is especially true for Japan’s plethora of delicious street food options. The best part? They are super cheap!

For under 1000 yen, you could feast on some sizzling grilled octopus, tasty egg on a stick, and succulent wagyu beef cutlets!


You may have heard about this one, but did you know Okonomiyaki (お好み焼き) is one of the cheapest feeds you can get in Japan? In fact, this delicious combination of egg, noodles, vegetables, and meat can be enjoyed for as little as 400 yen!

If you find yourself visiting Osaka and Hiroshima, it’s worth trying the Okonomiyaki in both prefectures as they each offer a unique style of the dish.

Combini Feast!

Last but not least (admit it, you saw this one coming), we have the endless food options of Japan’s convenience stores! Known as a Combini (コンビニ), these stores typically come in the form of 7-Eleven, Family Mart, and Lawson.

There, you can purchase just about anything from Onigiri rice balls to bento lunch boxes and gourmet sandwiches and desserts. With such low prices compared to convenience stores in the West, you could put together a delicious feast for yourself for under 1000 yen!

Of course, if you are planning to visit Japan, you’ll need a way to get around the country as efficiently and affordably as possible. Japan Rail provides an abundance of travel passes to suit your travel needs. So whether you are traveling individually or as a group, the JR Pass is every traveler’s go-to for getting around and making the most of your time in Japan!

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